News 28-09-2020
Imagined continuities: Political scenarios after COVID-19
While it’s still too early to know the full impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, it…
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News 23-09-2020
The new Special Edition on Gender: Time to take stock
A quarter-century ago, at the Fourth World Conference on Women, 189 countries unanimously adopted the…
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News 07-09-2020
Bridging the gap between politics and society in Colombia
In Colombia, and many countries around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has heightened the need…
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News 20-08-2020
Statement: EU must support human rights and democracy in Belarus
NIMD has joined forces with democracy support organizations from across Europe to call for support…
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News 06-07-2020
Benin: Raising public awareness of local democratic institutions
All around the world, a more informed population, means a population who can engage more…
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News 04-06-2020
How to prevent shrinking democratic space: A study
‘Shrinking civic space’ has become a buzzword in international discussions on civil society. It is…
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News 28-05-2020
Presenting NIMD’s Annual Report 2019
NIMD’s 2019 Annual Report, Dialogue Around a Noisy Table, is now available on our website. Inside…
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News 06-04-2020
Continuing our work: First online training pilot launched in Tunisia
Across the world, the unfolding Coronavirus pandemic affects all our lives.  As we grapple with…
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News 18-03-2020
Jordan’s School of Politics welcomes new cohort of politically engaged youth
Building on the success of the Jordan School of Politics (JSoP) in 2019, NIMD Jordan…
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