Stories 21-10-2021
Amplifying Marginalized Voices in the Honduras elections
At NIMD, we believe that democracy only thrives when every voice is heard. But people…
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Stories 30-06-2021
The Tunis School of Politics: A lifelong connection
Before 2011, Nabil Hajii had never been involved in politics. But the Jasmine Revolution changed…
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Stories 09-12-2020
Money and politics in Mali: Investigating the cost of politics
Honourable Issa Togo is a member of Parliament in Mali. He comes from the centre…
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Stories 06-11-2020
Empowering women leaders at the Myanmar School of Politics
Mu Nang Wai Wai Htun sits on the Shan State-level Central Executive Committee of the…
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Stories 24-09-2020
Towards inclusion and gender equality in Central America
The story below, by Jan-Albert Hootsen, is adapted and translated from the Vice Versa Special…
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Stories 12-08-2020
Opening doors for Tunisia’s young politicians
This is the story of Yassmine Ben Hamida, an inspirational young politician who met NIMD…
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Stories 15-07-2020
Capacitating Jordanian youth to work towards gender equality
Abla Al Hajaya is a young aspiring politician and member of civil society from Al-Hissa…
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Stories 06-07-2020
A Battle for Change in Ukraine
Kateryna Chyzhyk is a lawyer and activist from the city of Dnipro in Eastern Ukraine.…
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Stories 12-12-2019
Forging a path for women in Kenya
From own work in Kenya, we've met many inspiring individuals who give us good reason…
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