News 23-09-2020
The new Special Edition on Gender: Time to take stock
A quarter-century ago, at the Fourth World Conference on Women, 189 countries unanimously adopted the…
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News 07-09-2020
Bridging the gap between politics and society in Colombia
In Colombia, and many countries around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has heightened the need…
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News 03-09-2020
El Salvador: NIMD’s Democracy School for young people living with disabilities
NIMD El Salvador is running a Democracy School for young people living with disabilities, in…
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News 03-09-2020
Charting a fresh course for interparty dialogue in Ethiopia
Since 2017, NIMD has been working with Ethiopian political parties on dialogue processes focused on…
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News 02-09-2020
NIMD launches first regional Democracy School in Latin America
On 15 August, NIMD’s offices in Latin America came together to kick-off the first ever…
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Blog 27-08-2020
What to prioritise when democracy is at risk
The international Coronavirus outbreak has serious implications for democracy worldwide. In the #NeverLockdownDemocracy blog series,…
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News 20-08-2020
Statement: EU must support human rights and democracy in Belarus
NIMD has joined forces with democracy support organizations from across Europe to call for support…
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Stories 12-08-2020
Opening doors for Tunisia’s young politicians
This is the story of Yassmine Ben Hamida, an inspirational young politician who met NIMD…
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News 12-08-2020
Guatemala’s Forum for Women MPs: Empowering women through legislation
On 5 August, Guatemala’s Forum for Women MPs presented their strategic plan to develop laws…
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