Blog 25-07-2018
Open Government is the solution… But what is the problem?
Inclusive politics is about listening and understanding. NIMD Programme Manager, Rob van Leeuwen, shares his…
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News 24-07-2018
MySoP Core Course: Strengthening political parties and promoting multiparty dialogue
The Myanmar School of Politics (MySoP) is proud to announce the opening of its 12th…
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Stories 23-07-2018
Our work in Ethiopia: Strengthening legal drafting skills
Demwozie Mammie is a senior civil servant and the advisor on legal matters at CAFFEE,…
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Opinion & analysis 23-07-2018
Politics can fix the broken aid system, but needs fixing first
By Simone Filippini and Anthony Smith* On 16 July, fifteen leading economists argued in The Guardian…
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Stories 11-07-2018
Giving cooperation a chance: Building relations in Zimbabwe through dialogue
Kizito Kuchekwa is a long-time and dedicated member of ZANU-PF, the political party that liberated…
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News 13-06-2018
Launching our new project: REACH for Democracy
NIMD is teaming up with its partners CEMI, EECMD and EPD to launch a new…
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Stories 06-06-2018
Leaving a legacy: A new independent organization in Mozambique
NIMD first opened its country office in Mozambique at the turn of this century. We…
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News 05-06-2018
NIMD to begin working with the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia
As part of our programme in Ethiopia, NIMD today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)…
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Stories 29-05-2018
Empowering a local leader to make a difference in Georgia
Madona Batiashvili is the only woman Vice-Mayor in Georgia’s Kakheti region. It’s a platform she…
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