
What we do

NIMD has worked in Colombia since 2010, and we provide technical assistance for the organizational and programmatic strengthening of political parties and movements, and public bodies and institutions across the country.

While the National Government of Colombia and the militant FARC signed a Peace Agreement in 2016, challenges remain, including a lack of public faith in government institutions, widespread poverty and inequality, problems with organized crime, and recurring episodes of political violence.

NIMD Colombia helps address these challenges through support to the implementation of the peace agreement, the strengthening of the democratic capacities and cooperation between national authorities and political parties, and the promotion of women, young people and other underrepresented groups in politics. Our approaches include democracy training, research, advocacy, dialogue interventions, and technical assistance.

In 2021, we launched a new five-year strategy, The Promise of Democracy, which is focused on strengthening democracy in line with the Sustainable Development Agenda, because without progress on peace, justice and strong institutions, it will be impossible to achieve its goals. The Promise of Democracy also works to address the growing disconnect between representatives and the people. Voters often do not feel heard or represented by politicians, and the growth of democracy has not led to social justice and equal opportunities for all.

Our strategy responds to this situation with three combined approaches:

  • Innovation in democracy: we use technology and innovative methodologies to transform political processes under the principles of the open government agenda: transparency, participation, integrity, inclusion, accountability.
  • Peacebuilding:  we focus our interventions in the territories deeply affected by the conflict, which also have low rates of political participation of women and youth.
  • Gender equity: we work to build equal, inclusive, intersectional and violence-free political spaces that recognize the value of women in decision-making and integrate their agendas and interests.
Visit the NIMD Colombia website
Women’s Political Participation

NIMD Colombia is committed to supporting women in politics and implementing the Women, Peace and Security agenda. We are a proud member of the LEAP4Peace Consortium, an international initiative that seeks to promote the full and meaningful inclusion of women in political and decision-making processes as a condition for maintaining peace.

We work directly with female politicians in Burundi, Colombia and Myanmar, providing mentorship, technical training, and networking opportunities, as well as seminars and online learning platforms on gender equity, inclusivity, and political parity.

In this way, we ensure that women can work for the consolidation of peace by participating in public decision-making.

We are also implementing our Gender Roadmap for Inclusive Political Parties (GRIPP), a five-step process that promotes non-discrimination, equal political rights and the participation of women and men in political parties and movements.

And we are seeing progress, with the number of women MPs in Columbia rising with each election, and women appointed to more senior positions. Political institutions are also increasingly sensitive to the threat violence against women poses to political inclusivity and are taking steps to address this. To help achieve this aim, NIMD Colombia established the Observatory on Violence Against Women in Politics, a network of experts and NGOs working in this space

Democracy Education

NIMD Colombia runs Democracy Schools in some of the most volatile regions in the country, where activists frequently face violence and abuse. But by coming together and sharing their experiences, a new generation of Colombian leaders are building their strength, knowledge, and skills.

With funding from the European Union, NIMD runs Democracy Schools across Colombia, welcoming civil society organizations and aspiring politicians from all parties in regions most affected by the conflict.

The curriculum included topics such as democratic theory, political reconciliation, debating skills, and enhancing women and marginalized groups’ participation in politics. By providing a safe and open space for politicians to train and debate, NIMD sought to bolster reconciliation between the once-warring groups within the country.

And in 2021, NIMD Colombia and Colombia’s Electoral Observation Mission (MOE) launched their first ever School for Dialogue, Innovation and Leadership, bringing together political journalists and social, political and community leaders for training in leadership, political innovation and open governance.

Meet the Team

Ángela Rodríguez
Country Director, NIMD Colombia
Ángela Rodríguez is the Country Director of NIMD Colombia.
Rutger Groothuis
Programme & Knowledge Advisor, NIMD
Rutger Groothuis is the focal point in The Hague working with the Colombia team.

Who We Work With

NIMD Colombia is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the LEAP4Peace and Power of Dialogue programmes. The LEAP4Peace consortium is made up of NIMD, the Burundi Leadership Training Program, the Gender Equality Network Myanmar, and Gender Action for Peace and Security, and supports women so they can play a meaningful role in political leadership, conflict resolution, and peace building. The Power of Dialogue consortium is made up of NIMD, Gorée Institute, Akina Mama wa Africa, and Centre des Études Méditerranéennes Internationales, and seeks to enhance collaboration of political and civic actors to participate in accountable political processes.
Other funding comes from the European Union’s Protection of Leadership for an Inclusive Democracy programme. Work on women and youth work is provided by Sida, the Swedish government agency for development cooperation. We also receive funding from the Carvajal Foundation and the Smurfit Kappa Foundation.


Stories 02-07-2024
Deliberative Democracy: Amplifying the voices of young people in Colombia
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News 18-09-2023
Our work in action | Adapting to changing contexts in Colombia
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News 23-05-2023
Women in peace and politics in Latin America: A stock-take
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News 21-11-2022
Shining a spotlight on violence against women in politics
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Stories 21-11-2022
Colombia’s Observatory on Violence against Women in Politics
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News 21-10-2022
Women’s participation in promoting and maintaining peace in Colombia and Myanmar
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News 10-08-2022
Political change: How to continue striving for inclusive democracy in Colombia
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Stories 25-11-2021
Saluting Female Peace-builders in Colombia
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Stories 05-11-2021
Portraits of Courage in Colombia
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News 25-02-2021
The new NIMD School for Dialogue, Innovation and Leadership in Colombia
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News 01-10-2020
NIMD reports increase in deadly violence against Colombian leaders
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News 07-09-2020
Bridging the gap between politics and society in Colombia
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News 02-09-2020
NIMD launches first regional Democracy School in Latin America
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Blog 01-05-2020
Colombia: Democracy, and Crises made worse by Corona
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News 12-02-2020
Colombian women in politics share lessons learned from campaigning
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Blog 11-02-2020
Dialogue in peacebuilding: A learning visit from Mozambique to Colombia
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News 04-02-2020
Democracy isn’t built in a day: The case of Tunisia
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News 29-01-2020
Protecting political leaders for a more inclusive democracy in Colombia
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News 16-01-2020
Vice Versa Democracy Special: available now
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News 20-10-2019
Colombia: Looking back at the Democratic Action for Peace project
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Interview 16-10-2019
Colombia: Democracy to the test
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Stories 15-09-2019
Supporting indigenous communities in Colombia: The story of Ascención Velasco
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Blog 13-08-2019
Leaving no-one behind: Political parties and the SDGs
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News 20-03-2019
Politics in Colombia: A risky business?
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Blog 30-08-2018
We’re in this together: The long fight against corruption in Colombia
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News 27-08-2018
Taking the violence out of politics in Colombia
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News 10-08-2018
Colombia: Standing up to violence against women in politics
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News 30-07-2018
NIMD Democracy School kicks off in two more Colombian municipalities
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Blog 21-03-2018
Improved political participation in Colombia: a burning need in the midst of uncertainty
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News 21-03-2018
Democratic action for peace: supporting lasting peace in Colombia
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News 09-05-2017
Colombia: Exploring media, stereotypes and women’s political leadership
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News 25-08-2016
Historic peace deal signed in Colombia
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News 06-07-2016
NIMD invited to select Special Electoral Mission of Colombia
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