Opinion & analysis
Opinion & analysis 01-02-2021
NIMD statement on the elections in Uganda and the way forward
The Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy Uganda (NIMD Uganda), a key partner to Ugandan political…
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Opinion & analysis 21-01-2021
The US transfer of power: How to mend divides through inclusive democracy  
Yesterday, the US welcomed a new President and Vice President into power. NIMD's Senior Advisor…
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Opinion & analysis 20-10-2020
#UN75: Trust me, I’m a politician.
In a world of dramatic changes and complex problems, from the COVID-19 pandemic to the…
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Opinion & analysis 18-05-2020
Solving the Corona crisis: Respect for democracy is the key
Respect for every individual, for human rights and for democracy is not something that can…
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Opinion & analysis 29-01-2020
A democratic revival
As part of our Democracy Special, developed in cooperation with Dutch development magazine Vice Versa,…
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Opinion & analysis 25-06-2019
Is modern politics really that modern?
Thijs Berman, Executive Director of NIMD. Over the last century, we have seen several waves…
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Opinion & analysis 25-02-2019
What makes a country programme effective?
Self-reflection is essential for any project's success. Without it, you risk working yourself into a…
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Opinion & analysis 02-10-2018
International Day of Non-Violence: Why we must end violence against women politicians
Today the development community marks the International Day of Non-Violence. Sharing the date with the…
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Opinion & analysis 23-07-2018
Politics can fix the broken aid system, but needs fixing first
By Simone Filippini and Anthony Smith* On 16 July, fifteen leading economists argued in The Guardian…
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