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NIMD is committed to enhancing our impact by implementing an effective Quality Management System that takes into account the needs of our programme partners and funding partners.

We are an accredited ISO 9001:2015 organization, having first achieved our certification in 2020. Being ISO-certified ensures a consistent approach to quality. It means that we can trust in our processes and their continuous improvement.

We believed that making regular improvements to our processes and ensuring that we adhere to those processes, helps us achieve our organizational objectives and ensure the sustainability of our organization.

As part of this, we value transparency. We share relevant and up-to-date information on our policies and structure with our programme partners and funding partners.

Below, you can find information on our Quality Management System, our Integrity and Privacy Policies and ANBI.

Integrity policy

At NIMD, we strive for the highest integrity in our interactions with partners, suppliers, and clients, and among NIMD staff.

Our Integrity Policy reflects our core values: justice; legal security; a safe environment; openness and clarity; individual and shared responsibility; and room for initiative, diversity and creativity. It includes a Code of Conduct, Complaints Procedure, SEAH Policy and Whistleblowing Procedure.

In addition to following our Integrity Policy, NIMD employees are expected to meet legal requirements and uphold common social standards and values.

Of course, we know that integrity is more than just rules. It involves both the formal side (regulations) and the informal side (organizational culture). Integrity should be part of our everyday mindset, meaning we act with respect, embrace differences, and are honest and accountable. Managers lead by example, but we also foster a culture of integrity by discussing together what it means to us as individuals and as an organization.

Sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment (SEAH) Policy

At NIMD, we believe it is very important to create a safe space for the people we work with. Abuse of power, including sexual misconduct, discrimination, and other inappropriate behaviour, can happen anywhere and is a constant risk. NIMD is therefore committed to preventing any instances of sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment.

Our SEAH Policy can be found in Section 2 of our Integrity Policy.

To watch the SEAH video with subtitles in French click here and for Spanish click here.

ANBI information

NIMD operates as a Public Benefit Organization under Dutch tax law. This status is known as ANBI, or Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling, and entails a number of benefits and responsibilities. The chief benefit is that private funding partners can enjoy a tax advantage. At the same time, NIMD is required to disclose the information below to fulfil its obligations as an ANBI.

Questions and complaints

NIMD strives to be reliable and transparent. We treat complaints and formal inquiries made by (partner) organizations and individuals seriously, and see them as an opportunity to improve.

If you have a question, feedback or a complaint, please email . We will confirm your email’s receipt and your query will be answered within three We will confirm your email’s receipt and your query will be answered within three weeks.

All complaints are dealt with directly by the Executive Director.

Privacy policy

In this privacy statement, we inform you about the purposes for which we collect and process personal data, and how you can exercise your privacy rights.