On 23-25 April, NIMD had the pleasure of joining the 26th Plenary Meeting of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) Network on Governance (GovNet).
This network brings together governance practitioners and experts to explore and promote more effective governance in developing countries. As such, the plenary meeting was an excellent opportunity for NIMD to exchange experiences and lessons with other organizations in our field; and contribute to the development of policy, analytical tools and operational approaches.
The meeting focused on how to work towards accountability and good governance, in order to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. These are the objectives set out in UN Sustainable Development Goal 16.
As part of the event’s objective of exploring better and different ways for development assistance providers to do their work, NIMD was invited to present the findings of the Mid-Term Review of our Dialogue for Stability programme.
This was a unique opportunity to share our experience and good practices with others in the field.
Click here to download NIMD’s full presentation to the Govnet Plenary.