News 15-05-2017
Towards inclusive participation in the political system: A new project in Tanzania
NIMD has embarked on a new project, which aims to promote the political participation of…
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News 09-05-2017
Colombia: Exploring media, stereotypes and women’s political leadership
NIMD held a forum on the media, stereotypes and women’s political leadership on 10 May in…
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News 11-04-2017
Georgia: Social media training for political parties
NIMD’s Eastern European Neighborhood Office organized a two-day training session to improve the capacities of…
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Review 10-04-2017
Digital Democracy’s Coming of Age
NIMD’s Innovation Advisor, Will Derks, reviews “Digital Democracy: The Tools Transforming Political Engagement”, a paper…
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News 03-04-2017
Graduation day at the Myanmar School of Politics
On 3 April, 19 politicians from Kayah State graduated from the Myanmar School of Politics (MySoP). These…
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News 30-03-2017
Presenting our new publication: Dancing Backwards in High Heels
The phrase “Dancing backwards in high heels” became popular thanks to Bob Thave’s cartoon in…
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News 28-03-2017
Strengthening parliamentary oversight of the extractive industry: A new project in Mozambique
NIMD’s has launched a new project in Mozambique, which will aim to strengthen the Parliament's…
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News 28-03-2017
Training workshop kicks off new Ethiopia programme
NIMD’s new programme in Ethiopia, implemented in partnership with the Association of European Parliamentarians with…
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News 21-03-2017
Doing Democracy Without Political Parties? A debate on the future of democracy
NIMD organised a debate on the question “Can we have democracy without political parties?”, in cooperation…
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