Stories 19-12-2023
Putting Indigenous women at the centre of peace building processes: A story from Guatemala
The Peace Accords signed between the Guatemalan Government and the leftist guerrilla represented by the…
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Opinion & analysis 23-11-2023
Democracy Drinks The Hague: Disrupting Democracies
For the September edition of the #DemocracyDrinks The Hague we were happy to be joined…
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News 08-11-2023
Celebrating the First Graduates of the Uganda Democracy Academy
"Investing in the Uganda Democracy Academy is a deliberate and strategic endeavour aimed at nurturing…
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News 07-11-2023
Campaigning for a Different Climate | Vote on 22 November
Recent research reveals that almost half of the Dutch population views the upcoming elections on…
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News 25-09-2023
#DemocracyDrinks: Disrupting Democracies
photo: OSCE/Katya Andrusz Russia’s full-scale attack on Ukraine is symptomatic of the broader tensions in…
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News 20-09-2023
Statement: Developments in Guatemala post elections  
NIMD echoes the global call on all Guatemalan institutions and branches of government to fully…
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News 18-09-2023
Our work in action | Adapting to changing contexts in Colombia
Helping maintain peace and stability through investment in democracy is a long-term commitment. Requiring effort…
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Stories 15-09-2023
International Day of Democracy: Towards trust and inclusiveness in Mali
A transition to democracy is a delicate process with competing interests and expectations. Investing in…
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News 14-08-2023
Kick-off Uganda Democracy Academy a great success
NIMD Uganda has launched a Democracy Academy for young people in politics. Here, participants from…
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