News 22-05-2024
Uniting for Peace: The Role of Venezuelan Women in Bridging Divides and Fostering Democracy
Over the past twenty years, Venezuela has been embroiled in a crisis characterized by political…
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News 17-05-2024
NIMD calls for continued investment in worldwide security and rule of law  
Democracy is a strategic asset, inclusive decision making, rule of law, and democratic institutions are…
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News 15-05-2024
#DemocracyDrinks: EU Elections Sprint | The role of youth
Youth make up 16.3% of the European Union and are an important deciding factor in…
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Stories 17-04-2024
Empowering Kenyan MPs: NIMD’s Democracy Academy
I want to leave the space I work in better than when I found it.…
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News 08-04-2024
Launching Armenia’s first Democracy Academy
"It is vital to unlock the potential of young people in politics, civic engagement, and…
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News 02-04-2024
Mali: Young people play a pivotal role in rebuilding the country  
79.20% of Malians are under 35, out of a population estimated at over 22 million…
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News 21-02-2024
Youth are more than the future, they are the present
Opening the door to politics for and with young people As NIMD, we believe that…
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News 16-01-2024
Politieke Participatie: Voor en met Jongeren
Jongeren moeten een stem hebben in beslissingen van de toekomst. Hoe kunnen jongeren een betekenisvolle…
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Blog 11-01-2024
Facilitating political dialogue to strengthen democracy
NIMD team member, and Dialogue theme lead, Dr. Violet Benneker was interviewed in the recent…
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