News 10-08-2018
Colombia: Standing up to violence against women in politics
A study carried out by NIMD’s office in Colombia has been instrumental in informing a…
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News 30-07-2018
NIMD Democracy School kicks off in two more Colombian municipalities
NIMD is now carrying out Democracy School training sessions in eight municipalities in Colombia, training…
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News 26-07-2018
Benin: Building relationships and trust through political training
NIMD's Benin office has held the second training session of the 2018 School of Politics.…
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News 24-07-2018
MySoP Core Course: Strengthening political parties and promoting multiparty dialogue
The Myanmar School of Politics (MySoP) is proud to announce the opening of its 12th…
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News 13-06-2018
Launching our new project: REACH for Democracy
NIMD is teaming up with its partners CEMI, EECMD and EPD to launch a new…
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News 05-06-2018
NIMD to begin working with the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia
As part of our programme in Ethiopia, NIMD today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)…
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News 16-05-2018
Tunisia’s local elections: How to build trust in politics?
On 6 May 2018 Tunisians went to the polls to vote in the first municipal…
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News 05-04-2018
Preparing for genuine and credible elections in Ethiopia: A visit by the new National Electoral Board
"This has been a great experience for us as a newly appointed electoral board; we…
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News 21-03-2018
Democratic action for peace: supporting lasting peace in Colombia
The Peace Process is rewriting the political game in Colombia. It is important that political…
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