News 06-03-2019
Kenya: People Dialogue Festival kicks off
It is exactly one year since the famous handshake between President Kenyatta and Opposition leader…
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News 27-02-2019
NIMD: Democracy Starts with Dialogue
NIMD's new brochure is available now on our website! Inside you can find useful information…
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News 25-02-2019
What is Democracy? Perspectives from Mali
Democracy around the world is under attack. But, despite the challenges, no other political system…
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News 06-02-2019
El Salvador elections: Promoting fair debate and inclusive policies
This week, Sunday 3 January, El Salvador had its landmark presidential elections. Held against a…
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News 04-02-2019
Power and politics in the age of populism: A networking event
On 30 January, NIMD held a networking event for Dutch Ambassadors from around the world.…
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News 30-01-2019
NIMD, DGF and senior party officials launch party support programme in Uganda
Politics in Uganda has never been simple. Alongside political parties, independent candidates vie for seats…
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News 23-01-2019
Training for political activists and party members enters second phase in Jordan
In December, the NIMD team in Jordan oversaw the latest step in our programme to…
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News 14-01-2019
32-item democratic reform agenda agreed between Ethiopian parties
The strength of momentum behind democratization in Ethiopia was shown in Addis Ababa this week,…
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News 08-01-2019
Jordan: NIMD holds first manifesto development workshop
In December, NIMD gathered the secretary generals of political parties from across Jordan for training…
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