News 05-01-2021
Highlights From MySoP’s ‘How to be a Great MP’ Forum
Following the 2020 election, Myanmar is preparing for the next phase in the electoral cycle.…
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News 05-01-2021
Three things we learned in 2020
In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic brought the world to a standstill. It was a hard…
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Stories 09-12-2020
Money and politics in Mali: Investigating the cost of politics
Honourable Issa Togo is a member of Parliament in Mali. He comes from the centre…
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Blog 04-12-2020
US elections: Drawing lessons on inclusive democracy
What do the US elections mean for democracies around the world? How does the rhetoric…
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Interview 03-12-2020
Interview: NIMD’s Democracy School for young people living with disabilities
Every year, on 3 December, we celebrate the UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities,…
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News 03-12-2020
NIMD Uganda Launches #IChoosePeace Campaign for 2021 Elections
This week in Uganda, NIMD launched the #IChoosePeace campaign, which calls for peaceful conduct throughout…
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Interview 25-11-2020
#Spreadtheword: Time to end violence against women in politics
Today, 25 November 2020, is the International Day for the elimination of violence against women.…
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Stories 06-11-2020
Empowering women leaders at the Myanmar School of Politics
Mu Nang Wai Wai Htun sits on the Shan State-level Central Executive Committee of the…
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News 29-10-2020
Cost of Politics research: Women and young people in Uganda priced out of politics
NIMD has teamed up with the Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) to research how money…
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