Amplifying youth voices to strengthen democracy in Honduras

In any democracy, it is vital that the voices of young people are heard and reflected in the political process. Because diversity deepens democracy, and youth bring new perspectives and ideas. When their voices are sidelined, democracy risks becoming stagnant and disconnected from the realities and aspirations of an essential demographic. Amplifying youth voices is therefore not only a matter of inclusion but a key driver of democratic renewal and sustainability.

A young woman is writing. The words are "Que es democracia?" or "what is democracy?" In Honduras, young people have become increasingly active in demanding change, advocating for an end to corruption, poverty and inequality. Yet, despite the determination of young people, entrenched political structures continue to limit meaningful participation.

At NIMD, we are working to change this. We focus on amplifying the voices of young politicians and civil society representatives. Our Democracy Schools, intergenerational dialogues and policy development support provide the platforms and skills that young people need to make a lasting impact.

We hope that, through our work, we can strengthen the power of young people to shape their democracy and make their voices heard.

Democracy Schools: Investing in a new generation of leaders

Our Democracy Schools have always been at the heart of NIMD’s work in Honduras. We support a new generation, including people from traditionally marginalized communities, to build on their skills and knowledge to strengthen democracy.


That’s why NIMD Honduras launched the thirteenth Honduras Democracy School this summer. The Democracy School united 43 young representatives from five political parties and nine civil society organizations.

Two participants look at a colourful board filled with the logos or civil society organizations and political parties.

The participants came together across political divides over the course of five weeks. They learned about dialogue, democratic values, electoral systems, political party systems, active communication, human rights, geopolitics and the political history of Honduras.

The Honduras Democracy School gave us the opportunity to receive rigorous formal political training, which does not exist elsewhere in Honduras. As a group of young people eager to learn about politics, we didn’t know where to begin. NIMD opened the door and guided us on the path forward.

Noe Banegas, Democracy School participant, Director of Arboles de Justicia, and Liberal Party electoral candidate

We hope that our participants will continue to influence democracy in Honduras with a new understanding of the need to work together in the interests of their citizens. In this way, we invest in youth political participation, while also laying the groundwork for dialogue and inclusive democracy to thrive.

The Democracy School has provided me with vital tools to not only continue my work to strengthen the Rule of Law, but also to reaffirm my commitment to change.

Abner Brito, Democracy School participant and human rights defender. 


Dialogue: Building trust across generations

In addition to preparing young leaders to enter and influence politics through our Democracy Schools, we organize intergenerational dialogues bringing together young leaders with senior politicians.

For the young participants, these dialogues provide valuable opportunities to make their voices and needs heard. Through the dialogue, they can connect with decision-makers, exchange ideas and expand their networks.

But the intergenerational dialogues also aim to foster a more inclusive political culture in general. They are a means to increase trust and mutual understanding; overcome stereotypes; and diminish polarization between generations in politics. Indeed, we hope our dialogues will increase political will among senior politicians to advocate for the meaningful political participation of young people.

The participants stand in lines, They each stand face-to-face with a partner, engaging in dialogue.

Influencing policy: Integrating youth perspectives into public decision-making

Our work on dialogue and our training for young people also feed into another objective: To enhance youth involvement in shaping public policies.

Our team in Honduras is therefore excited to launch a new process, which brings together several different steps.

First, the participants will undergo training to strengthen their knowledge on topics such as democratic participation, peacebuilding and reform.

They will then use their new knowledge in a series of dialogues. Bringing young people together across political divides, the objective of these dialogues is co-creation: The participants will each bring their own experience and demands, and work together to create concrete joint policy proposals.

With the force of diverse youth voices behind them, these proposals have a real chance of being integrated into policy decisions. And that’s the focus of our final step. We will support the participants as they present their joint proposals to committees; engage with established politicians; and undertake advocacy at the national and local levels.

Looking to the future

Youth voices are essential for a thriving and inclusive democracy. At NIMD, we are committed to incorporating these voices at all levels of political engagement.

Through our Democracy Schools and intergenerational dialogues, we create opportunities for young people to actively shape Honduras’ democratic landscape.

Three young participants stand looking at a mobile phone, while another takes a photo with his phone.

With our new endeavour on influencing policy, we continue and deepen this work, as young people expand their networks and platform to widen their influence. That’s why, as our work evolves, we continue to find innovative ways to amplify the voices of young leaders. We hope to ensure their perspectives are reflected in the decisions that affect their lives.

Youth voices are more than just a call for change—they are a force for democratic renewal. That’s why we support young leaders, and ensure that their ideas and perspectives are heard, valued, and integrated into the country’s democratic fabric. So that Honduras can build a democracy that reflects the hopes and aspirations of every citizen, including its youngest.

The voice of youth at the table: Our work worldwide

NIMD’s work to amplify the voices of young people is central to much of our work around the world.

We firmly believe that young people are not only the future of their country’s development. They are also the present, and they should have the power to influence the world around them.

Our new Voices of Youth publication highlights case studies from six countries, offering a global perspective on youth political participation from our Power of Dialogue Consortium.

NIMD’s work on youth political participation in Honduras is funded by the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Costa Rica, the National Endowment for Democracy, the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.