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Guides on manifesto development and campaigning

As part of its involvement in the European Union Support to Jordanian Democratic Institutions and Development (EU-JDID), NIMD has worked with the Jordanian Ministry of Political and Parliamentary Affairs (MoPPA) and local consultants to produce two guides on manifesto development and campaigning.

The guides target political parties, political movements, election candidates, election campaign managers, and civil society organizations. Through these documents, NIMD aims to develop the theoretical knowledge of these groups on manifesto development and campaigning, and equip them with the necessary skills to develop and build their own manifestos and campaigns step by step.

The publication of these materials was funded by the EU. As part of our role in the European Union support for Jordanian democratic institutions and development (EU-JDID) project, NIMD was responsible for contacting and contracting Jordanian academics and researchers, who produced the content. In addition, our team in Jordan coordinated the processes surrounding the design, production and launch of the materials.