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Annual Report 2022

NIMD’s Annual Report for 2022 explores how we evolved, adapted and grew as we worked towards our ambition of contributing to a more peaceful future in
which the values of democracy and inclusiveness underpin political systems across the globe.

We at NIMD are convinced that by building truly inclusive democracies, based on the values of trust, inclusion and dialogue, we can work towards lasting peace in the long term. When there is dialogue between politicians, political parties, civil society and citizens, then there is a chance for trust and respect to replace tension and conflict.

In this annual report, we explore how our investment in democracy pays off in practice through two case studies of NIMD’s work in 2022. We also look at developments and achievements in each of NIMD’s partner countries and in our core thematic areas – Dialogue, Democracy Education, Women’s Political Participation, Youth Political Participation, and Strengthening Democratic Infrastructure.