
What we do

Over the past two decades, Liberia is progressively developing towards a well-functioning and vibrant multi-party democracy. Since 2005 when Ellen Johnson Sirleaf got elected as Liberia’s and Africa’s first female President, two peaceful transfers of power have occurred. However, despite democratic progress, the country still faces significant challenges such as corruption, weak institutions, and limited access to basic services for its citizens. 

In spite of the active participation of women and youth at the local government level, there is a considerable gender gap in the legislature for both women and youth. Discounting the reserve seats, Liberia’s House of Representatives holds just 8 women, 11% of the total representatives. We find even fewer young parliamentarians in the bicameral legislature, even though three-quarters (74.6%) of the population is under 34 years of age – according to the 2022 national census.  

In January 2024, NIMD started working in Liberia focusing on inclusive and accountable democracy. We are working with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and UN Women to promote a more inclusive and accountable democracy in Liberia. 

The main goal of the project is to strengthen the quality of democratic governance by promoting a more inclusive, participatory, and accountable democracy in Liberia. The project responds to the challenges that face democratic governance in the country including weak institutions, underrepresentation of youth and women in political processes, electoral system challenges, and marginalization of vulnerable groups. Specifically, NIMD is responsible for activities with political parties, civil society and the legislature aimed at increasing women and youth participation in decision-making and politics.  

Youth political participation

NIMD will support a variety of young women and men in political parties and civil society in developing an issue-based accountability trajectory linking young political actors from across the country and across political parties. Further, NIMD will support youth wings to be more responsive towards the needs of youth.

Strengthening democratic infrastructure

NIMD focuses on increasing parliamentary accountability and transparency by bringing citizens closer to their elected representatives. We support reforms to strengthen the functioning of parliamentary committees and the secretariat with regards to inclusive law-making and to improve public access to information on parliamentary activities and oversight of political accountability.

Further, NIMD will support political parties to strengthen their internal democracy, policies, and practices.


NIMD will facilitate a political actor dialogue within political parties and between parties, the National Election Commission, parliament and civil society on the increasingly polarized (and gendered) political discourse.

Meet the team

Oscar Bloh
Country Director, NIMD Liberia
Oscar Bloh is the Country Director for the NIMD office in Liberia. He has over 15 years of experience in Democratic Governance, election observation, strategic engagement with political parties, and civil society strengthening. He is a researcher and has knowledge and skills in media development and strategic communication. He is the former Country Director for Search for Common Ground office in Liberia. He has consulted for the UN and a number of international organizations in Liberia and the sub-region.
Floortje Klijn
Programme and Knowledge Advisor
Floortje Klijn is the focal point in the Hague working with the Liberia team with over two decades of experience in international cooperation, working on a variety of themes in Africa, South-East Asia and MENA. Her commitment to gender-related issues has stood central into her numerous work experiences around the world and she is currently NIMD's lead thematic advisor on Women's Political Participation.

Who we work with

We are grateful to receive funding from the European Union for our work in Liberia.
We are grateful that we also receive funding for our activities in Liberia from the Government of Ireland's International Development Programme.
We are proud to work as part of a consortium with UN Women and UNDP to work on promoting a more inclusive and accountable democracy in Liberia.