
What we do

Burundi, a small but densely populated country in the heart of Africa, has witnessed decades of civil conflict between ethnic groups since its independence from Belgium in 1962. Peace returned in December 2008 after the last rebel movement was integrated into the defense and security forces, but hopes for the development of a thriving multiparty democracy were dashed after contested elections in 2015 and an attempted coup d’état.

Elections and referendums in the years since have been marked by violence and accusations of fraud, with distrust between politicians and political parties entrenched across society. Therefore working to restore trust, and fostering collaboration and dialogue across party lines are key aims of NIMD’s work in Burundi.

Having worked in Burundi with our partner the Burundi Leadership Training Program (BLTP) since 2008, NIMD officially opened its own office in the country in 2024. Since then, our focus has been on laying the groundwork for inclusive and peaceful elections in 2025 and 2027.

These elections offer an important opportunity to strengthen democratic institutions and practices​​; make needed electoral reforms; and ensure that diverse voices and groups are represented in the political process.

Strengthening Democratic Infrastructure

All NIMD’s efforts in Burundi – from dialogue, to women’s political participation, to youth and inclusivity, are centred around fostering strong and responsive political institutions, who work towards increasing trust and inclusion.

This starts with working closely with political parties. We believe in responsive parties, which adopt clear and distinct policies, and which back candidates who reflect the diversity of society. Such parties can form the cornerstone for building a genuinely democratic society where all voices count.

That is why, through training workshops, we give Burundian parties extra tools to develop their political programmes, strengthen internal democracy and improve their organizational structure.

Our workshops are attended mainly by core members from 10 different political parties but with ambitions to expand assistance to all 37 parties in coming years. We focus not only on updating strategic plans and party programmes, but also on enhancing internal democracy and making party structures more inclusive. By breaking down internal barriers that limit the participation of young people and women, we aim to ensure that all voices are heard and represented in the elections.



Since starting our programming with BLTP in Burundi in 2008, promoting dialogue between political parties has been central to NIMD’s work.

This is a tradition which has carried through into our current programming. NIMD organizes dialogue on various levels to support political parties as they become more responsive and work towards electoral reform.

This process starts in our training sessions, where political parties learn about the power of dialogue, and how to seek consensus and mutual understanding through open and respectful dialogue.

NIMD Burundi then organizes multistakeholder dialogues, bringing together political parties, administrative officials, community leaders, and leaders of civil society organizations at different levels (national, provincial, and communal) to discuss the country’s political priorities.

A group photo of opinion leaders at the first Burundi National Colloquium on Peaceful Coexistence and Sustainable Development.
Opinion leaders unite for the first Burundi National Colloquium on Peaceful Coexistence and Sustainable Development.


By bringing political parties face-to-face with these groups, NIMD hopes to increase understanding of, and responsiveness to, their demands and needs.

These issues are addressed once more in regular dialogue sessions between political actors and the Government. Through these political dialogues, we aim to support the participants as they acknowledge differences, challenge biases and find common ground, The sessions provide a valuable opportunity to foster inclusive political processes and prepare for peaceful elections.

Indeed, our political dialogue provides a safe space where sensitive issues can be addressed openly and respectfully. By discussing electoral processes, the participants pave the way for inclusive electoral reform.

Women’s Political Participation

Elections must be transparent, in order to inspire trust among the general population. People must feel fairly represented by their political system if they are to cast their vote at election time.

That is part of the reason why, through all its activities in Burundi, NIMD adheres to its principles of inclusivity and diversity and promotes the participation of women.

Through our work with political parties, we support them as they enhance their internal democracy and make their party structures more inclusive. By breaking down internal barriers that limit the participation of women, we aim to ensure that their voices are heard and represented in the Burundian politics.

Youth & Inclusivity

Young people are chronically underrepresented in Burundi’s decision-making bodies. And amplifying their voices has always been a key focus of NIMD’s work in the country.

We do this through a several connected activities.

First, we work directly with young members of political parties. We host dialogue forums where they can share their experiences and build networks with other young politicians from different parties.

Together, these young leaders create a shared agenda and vision. They also engage in intergenerational dialogues with national and local party leaders to push for youth issues to be given more attention.

But young people cannot achieve political success on their own. In many places, including Burundi, there are economic, cultural and social barriers that hinder their participation. That’s why we also work to influence key political figures to help remove these obstacles. We do this through lobbying initiatives, as well as through our training sessions with political parties.

Key Achievements

The Burundi National Colloquium on Peaceful Coexistence and Sustainable Development, organized by NIMD Burundi in 2023 in close collaboration with Bel-Burundi NGO, brought together representatives from political parties, civil society, government institutions, diaspora, and international partners. The event contributed significantly to efforts to resolve crucial national challenges by convening all the major stakeholders in one forum to discuss contentious and divisive issues linked to reducing tensions in the country and sustainable development.

The colloquium aimed to rebuild trust among different societal groups, promote social cohesion, and develop strategies to mitigate conflicts and encourage sustainable development. Vitally, it laid the groundwork for ongoing collaborative efforts to address social and political issues, contributing to a more peaceful and sustainable future for Burundi.

NIMD Burundi has undertaken significant advocacy work, as part of our commitment to increasing women’s participation through political and electoral reforms.

To support this effort, we partnered with other organizations to conduct a crucial study comparing how different political parties’ policies and practices address gender. By developing clear and compelling statistical material, NIMD was better able to target key legislative figures with our relevant and up-to-date findings.

This work is one important step towards new electoral and administrative laws that are inclusive, promoting fair representation of women in Burundi’s political landscape.

Meet The Team

Dieudonné Ntanago
Country Director, NIMD Burundi
Dieudonné Ntango joined our team in April 2023, and is responsible for the establishment, strengthening and consolidation of NIMD’s new office and presence in Burundi. He is an expert in managing international donor-funded projects in the field of democratic governance in the country. Dieudonné comes to NIMD from the International Fertilizer Development Centre (IFDC). Previously, Dieudonné has worked for a number other organizations, notably: Burundi Leadership Training Program (BLTP), NIMD’s long-term partner in Burundi; Oxfam Novib; Empowering response Burundi; World Bank; Planning and Development Collaborative (PADCO inc.); and African Strategic Impact.
Tayuh Ngenge
Programme & Knowledge Advisor, NIMD
Tayuh Ngenge is the focal point in The Hague for the Burundi programme, and NIMD’s thematic lead for strengthening democratic infrastructure. Tayuh has over 15 years of experience on democracy, human rights and rule of law assistance and programming, with a focus on sub–Saharan Africa. He previously worked (and consulted) for various organizations including Amnesty International, International IDEA and Max Planck Foundation.

Who We Work With

The work of NIMD's office Burundi towards the elections in 2025 and 2027 is funded by the Embassy of the Netherlands in Burundi.
Burundi is part of the LEAP4Peace Consortium, made up of NIMD, the Burundi Leadership Training Program (BLTP), the Gender Equality Network Myanmar (GEN), and Gender Action for Peace and Security (GAPS). It is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs as part of its Women, Peace and Security agenda. The Consortium is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.