NIMD launches Democracy Lab in Benin

NIMD’s new “Democracy Lab” project was launched in Grand Popo, Benin on 2 November.

According to our Benin Country Representative, Josiane Foundohou “The Democracy Lab project aims to equip political parties with skills and knowledge on the intricacies of using digital media. They will discuss how to use digital tools to communicate internally and with their members, electorate and the population in general.”

The project also aims to explore innovative ways to support a culture of accountability between political parties and citizens.

A snapshot of the launch session (in French)

The first Democracy Lab session brought together political party representatives from the parties represented in the National Assembly to discuss the place of digital communications in politics today. As well as meeting with communications specialists, the participants also learned from each other’s experiences. They brainstormed about the problems, challenges and best practices of communicating as political parties, and came up with practical tips on using digital communications in the political sphere.

The second Democracy Lab session will explore how to use digital innovations to make political parties more visible and accountable.