NIMD invited to select Special Electoral Mission of Colombia

The Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD) deeply appreciates the confidence entrusted in the organization by the Government of Colombia and the FARC-EP, as they invite NIMD to help select the experts that will form the Special Electoral Mission that has been agreed upon during the peace negotiations in Havana, Cuba. The Electoral Mission will study and give recommendations on the reforms of the current electoral system in Colombia. These reforms are part of point two of the peace negotiations, namely political participation.

NIMD in Colombia
NIMD has been implementing activities in Colombia since 2010. Through promoting the political participation of women, youth and minorities, as well as by providing direct support to political parties in Colombia, NIMD has positioned itself as a leader in the strengthening of representative politics, as well as a more open and transparent political system in Colombia.

The invitation to contribute to the composition of the Special Electoral Mission is an extraordinary opportunity for our organization to continue working towards these goals. Therefore, we are wholeheartedly committed to this government initiative aimed at achieving a more inclusive, representative and free democratic system in Colombia. This is indispensable for the consolidation of peace and the free exercise of political rights in the country.

For more information, please contact Jurriaan Regouin, NIMD’s Programme Manager for Colombia, at [email protected]