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Learning from the public: Beninese MPs visit local communities and hospitals

Published on 12-02-2020
Reading time 1 mins
  • Benin
  • News

On 16-17 January, NIMD organized a series of visits to local communities for a group of parliamentarians. The MPs visited four regions across the country to hold public hearings on the topic of healthcare.

The delegation, led by the First Vice President of Benin’s National Assembly, Miriam Chabi Talata, had the chance to visit hospitals and talk to members of local communities.

They learned about the challenges and merits of the country’s healthcare system, as experienced by people on the ground. In addition, during the public hearings, they listened to a number of recommendations from the general public and healthcare providers.

The public hearings are the first steps in a process designed to bring Beninese people closer to their representatives. The delegation will share the recommendations, and other learnings, with their peers at a parliamentary workshop, also organized by NIMD.


By speaking directly to their constituents – including patients and experts in healthcare – the MPs will be better equipped to take their views, needs and opinions into account when they legislate. They will have stronger evidence to use in their role of overseeing the government. And they will be better able to represent then needs and wishes of voters.

The outreach visits formed part of our work to support Benin’s National Assembly to promote participative governance and human rights.

This project is funded by the EU.