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democracy starts with dialogue

The Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD) works to promote peaceful, just and inclusive democracies worldwide.

why our work matters

At NIMD, we believe in a better future; a peaceful and prosperous future, where people can thrive. And we believe this future relies on responsive and inclusive democracy.

More on why this matters

Today less than 8%
of the world’s population
lives in a full democracy. 14 countries are democratizing, while 42 are autocratizing – 35% of the world’s population.

A person living in a democracy is likely to have a 93%
higher life expectancy, greater happiness and increased life satisfaction.

Under NIMD-organized events, I feel empowered and politically re-energized to keep working for my people again. I value the impartial role that NIMD plays in dialogue facilitation, and I see it is quite effective for the country’s struggles for democracy.

NIMD Myanmar Dialogue Participant

Introducing NIMD

At NIMD, we believe a better future relies on effective and inclusive politics.
Find out how we are building trust in politics and achieving change in the most complex of situations.

More on what we do

where we work

Current country programme
Former country programme
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