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Les femmes dans la paix et la politique en Amérique latine : Un bilan

Published on 23-05-2023
Reading time 2 minutes
  • Colombie
  • El Salvador
  • Guatemala
  • Honduras
  • Actualités
  • Venezuela

Gender quotas, gender mainstreaming in peace agreements, a focus on equal rights… We see progress in Latin America when it comes to women’s participation in political decision making and in conflict resolution and peacebuilding.

At the same time, conservative and authoritarian tendencies limit the space for women in peace and politics.

It’s time to take stock. That’s why NIMD will organize an event to assess the current developments for women rights and inclusion, and the role that national and international counterparts play to support space for women in peace and politics.

The event will take place on 8 June 2023, at 4pm-6pm, at Martin’s hotel – Bd Charlemagne 80, Brussels.

Register here

The discussion

Our event will bring together experts from Latin America, dedicated to increasing the participation of women in peace and politics in their countries. They will share their broad experience in political economy analysis and inclusive governance.

Together, the panel will assess the space available for women’s participation, and identify emerging trends and barriers in the region. They will share learnings from current practices and programmes, and discuss the areas that need our attention.

Lastly, the panel will reflect on how to engage men in advancing women’s participation, as well as how to maintain peace, and ensure the strength of guarantees of non-repetition.

The programme

The panel will consist of Natalia Brandler, Director of Cauce, and NIMD Country Directors, Ángela Rodríguez, Francisco Alfaro Pareja, Juan Meléndez and Claudia Maselli.

Moderation: Lily Bernal

Opening:  Paco Garcia – Head South America, EU Directorate-General for International Partnerships (INTPA)

  1. Women in politics – advancements, barriers and ways to overcome those barriers
    • Introduction – Juan Meléndez, NIMD El Salvador
    • Presentation – Colombia: Politics without violence, Ángela Rodríguez, NIMD Colombia
    • Reflections by Claudia Maselli – NIMD Guatemala
    • Q&A
  2. Women in peace – advancements, barriers and ways to overcome those barriers
    • Presentation Women in peace processes in Venezuela – Natalia Brandler, Cauce
    • Reflections by NIMD Venezuela, Colombia, Guatemala and El Salvador
    • Q&A

Closing remarks: Heleen Schrooyen, NIMD

Join the event

This event is open to the public. Join us on 8 June at Martin’s Hotel, Bd Charlemagne, Brussels.

Register here.