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Kenia's 2024 onrust: Een nieuw politiek landschap smeden

Gepubliceerd op 27-11-2024
Leestijd 3 minuten

This year’s Political Developments in Kenya The recent political situation in Kenya is rooted in the contentious 2022 general elections, which saw President William Ruto emerge the winner. Despite the electoral commission declaring Ruto the winner, his victory was contested by his main rival, Hon. Raila Odinga, who claimed the elections were marred by irregularities …

Reflecteren op politieke ontwikkelingen in Kenia

Gepubliceerd op 10-09-2024
Leestijd 3 minuten

The current political situation in Kenya is rooted in the contentious 2022 general elections, which saw President William Ruto emerge the winner. Despite the electoral commission declaring Ruto the winner, his victory was contested by his main rival, Hon. Raila Odinga, who claimed the elections were marred by irregularities and illegalities. Although the Supreme Court …

Afrikaanse verkiezingen tonen aan dat democratie niet vanzelfsprekend is

Gepubliceerd op 10-08-2024
Leestijd 4 minuten

This article is reposted from Al Jazeera where NIMD’s Tayuh Ngenge, Theme Lead Strengthening Democratic Infrastructure shares his analysis on the 2024 African Elections, where some polls are giving hope, and others raise alarm. Rwanda’s Paul Kagame has won a landslide victory in the presidential elections held on July 15. His Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) party …

Africa’s 2024 elections landscape: A mid-year stocktake

Gepubliceerd op 06-06-2024
Leestijd 4 minuten

By Tayuh Ngenge, NIMD’s Strengthening Democratic Infrastructure theme lead Announced as a super elections year (IPU), 2024 is a year of major electoral events, including in at least 17 countries in Africa. Halfway through the year, presidential elections have taken place in the Comoros (January), Senegal (March), Chad and South Africa (May). At least 13 …

NIMD calls for continued investment in worldwide security and rule of law  

Gepubliceerd op 17-05-2024
Leestijd 4 minuten

Democracy is a strategic asset, inclusive decision making, rule of law, and democratic institutions are the most effective way to ensure peace and stability. NIMD is very worried about the intentions of the new coalition government in the Netherlands to severely cut down on aid for international cooperation. Together with other Dutch international Non-Governmental Organizations …

Youth are more than the future, they are the present

Gepubliceerd op 21-02-2024
Leestijd 4 minuten

Opening the door to politics for and with young people As NIMD, we believe that democracy can only thrive when all voices are heard – this includes young people. Youth are demanding their seat at the table and want it now. Through our programmes, we aim to contribute to the active participation of all young …

Guatemala: An atypical electoral process

Gepubliceerd op 22-12-2023
Leestijd 3 minuten

NIMD Guatemala Country Director Claudia Maselli reflects on the current situation in Guatemala and the steps needed to pave the way for national unity. Since 1985, the year of transition to democracy in Guatemala, there has not been an electoral process so atypical as the latest elections in Guatemala past June and August. The elections …

Democracy Drinks The Hague: Disrupting Democracies

Gepubliceerd op 23-11-2023
Leestijd 6 mins

For the September edition of the #DemocracyDrinks The Hague we were happy to be joined by PhD researcher Amy Eaglestone from the University of Birmingham. Co-hosted by NIMD, the Netherlands Helsinki Committee and The Hague Humanity Hub, the Democracy Drinks are a monthly networking event that bring together fellow thinkers, advocates, and enthusiasts in pro-democracy …

New study shows democracy aid works: encouragement in challenging times

Gepubliceerd op 14-08-2023
Leestijd 2 minuten

Sweden has recently conducted research into the effects of Swedish and international democracy aid. It shows that, both international and Swedish democracy aid have a small but positive effect on the advancement of democracy globally. This is very encouraging for an organization like NIMD that works on democracy strengthening. Therefore, our Learning and Innovation Advisor, …